I’d like to take a minute to thank everyone for their support through the last year and wish you all a Happy New Year. I’m not sure why it brings such peace to me to have this new beginning. It’s a day like any day, yet because of that 1/1 on the calendar, it feels like Hope, and a fresh opportunity to try again. I make loose resolutions, since all of my resolutions have been, at best, loosely kept. They have to do with the usual suspects: eat healthy, exercise daily, love more honestly.
I have several things to look forward to this year. Hopefully, one of them is snow. So far, here in Northwest Montana, we have only rain and a huge bunch of wet leaves. Beyond that, I have a new book coming out January 18, Shed Girl: A Juliet French Mystery. It is a contemporary crime novel, and a diversion from what I normally write, in that it is contemporary, rather than historical. What can I say? I get an idea for a book, it gets ahold of me, and neither of us can let go until the book is released into the wild.
Here is what Troy Hollan, author of Clucked, said about it on Goodreads:
With often hauntingly beautiful, dream-like imagery, two perfectly-imperfect young lovers, and a sympathetic supporting cast, Marsenich’s novel is an intelligent, compassionate exploration of what can happen when we think we’ve lost it all, but never lose ourselves.
You can order it here.
In the meantime, I am furiously, as in passionately trying to make up for lost time, working away on a popular history book about Mary MacLane. She was a sensational writer from Butte, Montana, my hometown, who turned the literary world upside down in 1902. She was 20 years old.
An enigma and unapologetically bold in her writings, she wrote three books and many essays. Clubs of rebellious young women acted out in MacLanesque manner. The Butte baseball team renamed themselves the “Mary MacLanes.” It was Butte, so of course, the town named a highball after her, “The Mary MacLane highball.” Her books were banned from her hometown library. In her words, the people of Butte “love to hate me.” There is so much written about her that I am feeling lost in MacLane land.
And, of little note to most people, I am excited about this next little tidbit of information. My dog, Chaco, who has Cushings Disease, and has been exceedingly weak over the last year, seems to really thrive on baked pork chops. Someone told me that what happens in Cushings is the the protein on the nerve endings get eaten away, so feeding him protein will help him. I didn’t know. So, I tried it. He is now back up to being able to walk two miles with me. I am so happy about this.
Here is a picture of him last year in the snow, in case you want to wish him a Happy New Year too.

May you all have a year full of wonder and generosity, blue skies and good storms, and unapologetically bold writings. May we all have a wee bit of that Mary MacLane courage, and good drinks and food, and dreams that come true. Happiest of New Years to you all.
I wish you and Chaco many exhilarating hikes together in this New Year!
Thank you, Cindy! That would be sweet. May you have a wonderful New Year too!
I love this, Greg. I think it’s true. Even rereading that part of the post touches my heart. And a wonderful New Year to you. I hope to see you again ing 2024.
Happy New Year Milana! You are living your best life and it’s wonderful to see!! You inspire so many by showing us that our only failures are in not doing something! Love you and I know only good things will come your way💖
Thank you, Dorie! I’ve been lucky to have good people and family in my life. I love you and can’t wait to see you again.
Happy a New Year to you and Chaco. May you both have a healthy and magical year! Looking forward to your book release.
Thank you, Whitney!
“Love honestly…” There is more to this resolution than just two words. Both love and honesty are trail markers on the path that leads to the best of what humans have to offer.
Go, Chaco!! Now you have to tell me what’s in a Mary MacClane highball. Or do I have to wait to read the book? Or should I just make something up?
Ha! I’ll have to do some more investigating to find the true recipe.
Here is the ad from Nebro Drug Co., and I suspect something a little stronger was often slipped into the drink in other parts of the city. Here you go:
Nebro Drug Co. at 109 North Main St. in Butte boasted to be the “largest drug house in the state.” It also ran an ad for the Mary MacLane High-Ball, with or without ice cream.
Mary MacLane High-Ball
With or without Ice Cream.
Cool, Refreshing Invigorating, Devilish
This up-to-date drink at our soda fountain.