Hello! I have a new and very much improved website at milanamarsenich.com and I am absolutely delighted about it! Please check it out and subscribe for news and notifications about new posts. While you are there, download a free short story “Broken Hearts”. “Broken Hearts” was first published in Montana Quarterly and it is one of my favorites. I’ve written several guest posts over the last two years and, with permission from the book bloggers where the initial posts appeared, I’ll repost them here. Also, I’ll be be posting news, events, book reviews, and random thoughts related to writing, reading, wandering, and life. I owe a huge thank you to Corey Kretsinger at Midstate Design for creating this website. He is kind, smart, funny, and he creates great websites! I also owe a big thank you to Krista Rolfzen Soukup at Blue Cottage Agency for her incredible wisdom and guidance. Thank you to Open Books for publishing Copper Sky and The Swan Keeper. Thank you to everyone who has read the books, reviewed the books, sponsored my guest posts, and offered inspiration, encouragement, and support. You are all amazing!

The Swan Keeper coverCopper Sky cover


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